Anxious Patients

We understand that coming for dental implant treatment may be scary and a terrifying experience. We are here to alleviate that fear. Dental implant placement is actually a very precise and thorough procedure.

Unlike a tooth extraction which is generally more traumatic dental implants are generally less invasive. In order to calm any anxiety, we offer a compassionate, patient-centered approach.

Since patience is one of our strengths, we always take our time to make sure you’re comfortable before proceeding to the next step. Dental Implants are very commonly done under local anaesthetic.

For nervous patients we do offer a few options for relaxation.

Anti-anxiety medication: We can prescribe anti-anxiety medication before your treatment to calm your nerves. You will require someone to help you drive to the clinic and back.

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): Nitrous oxide is a gas that is usually referred to as laughing gas or happy gas. It is possible to alleviate discomfort and anxiety during dental treatment by administering nitrous gas. The gas is administered through a little nosepiece, and it will take around five minutes for the gas to take effect. Once medicated, you will get drowsy or enter a dreamlike condition in which nothing can disturb you.

In dentistry, nitrous oxide sedation is quite prevalent. This is an appropriate answer for many since it has a rapid onset of action (3-5 minutes) and is rapidly removed from the body once the gas is switched off. The gas can be adjusted to provide your maximum comfort. You will maintain full consciousness and be able to reply to inquiries and requests throughout

Is nitrous oxide suitable for your needs ?

Always consult with your dentist beforehand to establish if Nitrous Oxide Sedation is right for you.

However, Nitrous Oxide Sedation is not recommended for people with the following conditions:

  • Pulmonary disease or a current respiratory infection
  • Ear infections resulting in a blocked middle ear
  • A compromised immune system e.g. cancer patients
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Psychiatric disease and who have been prescribed anti-psychotic medications
  • Unable to communicate effectively due to disability or a language barrier

It is also not recommended for people who are:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Under the influence of marijuana or alcohol
  • Very apprehensive
IV Sedation:
  • Intravenous sedation, often known as twilight dentistry, is the delivery of drugs directly into the circulation to induce relaxation. You are responsive, yet in a state of extreme relaxation. Your anesthetist may sedate you gently, moderately, or deeply. The degree of sedation will depend on your anxiety levels and the difficulty or length of the surgery you are undergoing.

What Should One Anticipate From Intravenous Sedation?
  • A tube is attached to the top of one hand. Your anesthetist will give the drugs straight into your bloodstream allowing it to take effect extremely rapidly. Your vital signs (blood pressure, oxygen levels, and heart rate) are monitored to ensure that you do not have an unpleasant response. Your IV sedative will be delivered first, and if you require local anesthetic, it will be administered after the sedation has taken effect. It is typical to experience some amnesia or memory loss once the effects of a drug have worn off.
  • Patients frequently remark that the entire operation took only a few minutes, despite the fact that it may have lasted many hours. Additionally, intravenous sedation helps patients to avoid the danger, expense, and time associated with a general anaesthetic. Compared to getting a general anaesthetic, it is safer, allows you to recover more rapidly, and has fewer side effects.

Who can have IV sedation?

Intravenous sedation is beneficial for patients who:

  • Have anxiety of fear/phobia or are nervous about dental procedures or avoid going to the dentist
  • Have had traumatic or negative dental experiences in the past.
  • Require complex, multiple extensive or long dental treatments.Have limited time and wish to undertake their dental procedures in one appointment instead of multiple appointments.
  • Are uncomfortable with dental treatments.
  • Have difficulty feelings numb with local anaesthetic injections.
  • Have a strong gag reflex.
  • Find in difficult to keep their mouth open or have jaw problems.
  • Feel embarrassed about the condition of their teeth.
  • Find it difficult to sit still in the dental chair.
  • Are anxious, fearful or nervous about injections/needles or who have a low-pain threshold.